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Congratulations on another great Heritage Days
Monday, September 29, 2014
Congratulations to the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce on another successful Heritage Days, which certainly lived up to its theme, according to Executive Director Taci Fawver.
"Grow With Us" was the chosen theme for this year's Heritage Days celebration, and in many aspects of the weekend, it fit so well!" she said.
The beautiful weather kept people out in the park, visitors had positive comments about the parade, venders had plenty of business and local talent kept visitors entertained.
"We thank everyone who came out to enjoy the weekend with us, and for the volunteers to make it all a huge success!" she concluded.
Yes the weather helped, as did Heritage Days' reputation as a great time to reconnect with old friends and classmates at one of the class reunions that are regularly scheduled for that weekend.
Of course, Heritage Days is more than just a weekend event and picking a theme and honorees is just a start.
This year, especially, McCook had plenty to show to visitors, most apparently the new county law enforcement center, which served as a background for many of photographer Connie Jo Discoe's photographs, appearing on page 11 today.
But that's not all returning natives could see on their weekend visit to McCook; a number of new or expanding businesses have opened since last Heritage Days, and even more will be opened by the time our largest community celebration rolls around again next year.