Revive Par 3 course
Dear Editor,
McCook is doing a fine job of providing recreational facilities that meet the demand of some local residents according to the City of McCook's recent survey. I agree with the findings of the survey, except for one recreational facility which is needed. "Par Three Golf Course."
There are many individuals both from McCook and the surrounding communities that did not respond to the recreational survey for various reasons. A number of these individuals feel there is a need for a par-three golf course.
McCook does have a very recognized and exceptionally challenging golf course in Heritage Hills. Although the golf course is a great draw for true golfers who love the challenge, there are many golfers who can't or won't play at heritage Hills. There are several reasons, such as length of course, difficulty and cost or because of health reasons.
A few years ago when the par three course was open, many golfers enjoyed that course. Now those individuals drive to Curtis, Enders, Cambridge, Oberlin or other communities to play golf.
During the time the par three course was open, it wasn't unusual to see business representatives who had traveled to McCook who played a round of golf or two or three holes before calling it a day. The McCook College and at least two area high school golf teams used the par three course for practice. There were challenged individuals who may have been either mentally or physically handicapped or both who played the course often. The course was small enough that if individuals needed help, there were golfers nearby to provide assistance. Many young junior high and high school kids, elderly men and women and families played the course as well.
Please do not look on this open forum letter as a slam to Heritage Hills. It provides a great place for many golfers to play, a fun but challenging course. Unfortunately, there are a number of golfers for various reasons that don't or can't play there.
I feel the par three golf course could be a pay to play venture to help offset some of the cost of the course. I would appreciate the city revisiting the issue of the par three golf course. It would be an opportunity to provide many local and area golfers the opportunity to return to playing golf in McCook.
Gene Morris,
McCook, Nebraska