Dance donation brings foundation closer to goal

Friday, March 14, 2014
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette Impressed by the work ethic and community spirit of McCook Senior High students who invited dancers 55 years old and over to a 1950s-era dance at the school March 8, Jim Jones (third from the left) of Herrmann-Jones Funeral Home in McCook donates $1,500 in their honor to the McCook Community Foundation Fund. Jim presented the check Thursday afternoon to Karl Shaddock, Fund coordinator, who accepted it on behalf of, from the left, Becca Sehnert, president of the Math Club at MHS; and Breanna Redl, president of National Honor Society at MHS; and from the right, Don Harpst, who is on the Fund advisory committee and who, with Liz McCarty, taught dance lessons to NHS and Math Club members; and Pam Wolford, MHS teacher and club sponsor. (Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette)

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Community Foundation Fund is within $30,000 of raising $500,000. And when it reaches that goal, Susie Buffett's "Sherwood Foundation Challenge" will have been met and the Fund will receive a no-strings-attached $250,000 gift.

The latest gift to the McCook Fund's Sherwood Challenge is $1,500, gifted by Jim Jones of Herrmann-Jones Funeral Home of McCook, in honor of the McCook Senior High Math Club and National Honor Society members who sponsored a 1950s-era dance March 8 for the 55+ crowd. Jim said he was impressed with the students' desire and hard work to plan and sponsor an event for the community.

The dance idea started with NHS president Breanna Redl, who researched the possibilities and proposed it to her club. Becca Sehnert, Math Club president, agreed the dance was a great idea and her club joined in the planning. Breanna and Becca contacted Don Harpst and Liz McCarty about teaching them to dance 1950s-era dance steps, and on two early-dismissal afternoons, club members learned how to jitterbug, fox trot, two-step and waltz.

(Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette)

Breanna said, "We really enjoyed the dance lessons from Don and Liz." Students have requested more dance lessons; country swing lessons are in the works before spring prom.

The clubs scheduled the dance for the evening of March 8, just before the Southwest Nebraska Community Theatre Association took the stage for its premier performance of "All Shook Up," a musical featuring songs made popular in the '50s and '60s by Elvis Presley.

The dance also showed off the recently-remodeled high school commons area, promoted a positive image of MHS high school students, offered high school students a positive activity they may be able to use as prom or college events and bridged the generations in a community out-reach.

About 80 people attended the dance, which was free of charge. The drinks and snacks were provided by NHS students, and all decorations were donated or had been recycled.

Two tie fleece blankets were given away, the proceeds being donated to the McCook Pantry.

Breanna said they appreciated the adult community members who came to the dance, "especially those who taught us even more dance steps."

Residents of the Willow Ridge Retirement Center agreed that they enjoyed the dance. A spokesperson said, "We were greeted at the door when we arrived with young people who were willing to help us get in the building. The students visited with us, and asked us to dance! We enjoyed the decorations."

Harpst said the Foundation Fund wants to reach its $500,000 by May 1, which is when three other Sherwood Challenge communities are coming to McCook for a peer learning session.

"Every gift of any amount is important," Karl said. "This is the perfect time to show the entire state that McCook is a giving place. Our goal is for McCook to have 250 donors to the Challenge. Whether the gift is $5 or $25 or $200 it all helps, moving us ever closer to the goal."

More information about the McCook Community Foundation Fund is available on its web site,; or by emailing; or calling (308) 344-9363.

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  • Every little bit helps. If you have not given, you owe it to our community to make a donation. And thanks to ..Mr. jones for his nice gift.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, Mar 14, 2014, at 1:25 PM
  • Thank you Connie and Bruce for the Gazette's good coverage of wonderful community engagement of youth and other ages.

    -- Posted by happy Eb on Fri, Mar 14, 2014, at 2:29 PM
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