MPPD updating hazard plan; public input welcome
McCook, Nebraska -- McCook Public Power District, located in McCook, Nebraska is in the process of updating their Hazard Mitigation Plan from January 2011, in conjunction with the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. MPPD has utilized the existing plan to obtain 75 percent cost-share from FEMA for numerous mitigation projects since 2011.
Hazard mitigation planning is proactive and allows the MPPD to take actions before disasters occur to reduce or eliminate future threats. The hazard mitigation plan is a publicly-guided document that assesses the MPPD's vulnerability to a variety of natural and man-made disasters such as flood, drought, earthquake, wildfire, winter storm, tornado and high wind storms, etc. and the potential losses associated with each hazard. In addition, the plan prioritizes goals, mitigation alternatives, and projects which can alleviate potential damages and provide protection to life and property when future disasters occur.
MPPD's plan is currently being updated and will be submitted to FEMA in October 2014. Once approved, the plan will be amended into the Nebraska Statewide Hazard Mitigation Plan as an appendix, which is currently being updated by NEMA. MPPD has hired JEO Consulting Group, Inc. to assist with the plan update anticipated to be complete in October 2014.
Public input regarding the hazard mitigation planning effort is welcome at the March 18, 2014, MPPD board meeting at 10 a.m.
For more information on this planning effort contact Ray Nokes, Director of Administrative Services, at (308) 345-2500.