
Negotiations must continue

Friday, October 18, 2013

After 16 days of stalemate, Congress and the President agreed to temporarily reopen the government and avoid default. While this solution is far from ideal, it was the only remaining option to continue negotiations over our long term fiscal challenges, including the President's health care law.

In addition to reopening the government and extending the debt limit before the Administration's announced deadline of October 17th, the legislation requires a conference committee to negotiate a bipartisan 10-year budget by mid-December. The bill also ensures enforcement of income verification standards to qualify for Obamacare subsidies, which will help prevent fraud and save taxpayer dollars.

No one wanted the government shutdown to occur, and no one wanted to risk default by failing to address the debt limit. There is plenty of blame to go around for this impasse. However, divided government requires both sides to work together, and both parties have regularly negotiated government funding and raising the debt ceiling for decades. This failure was a result of both parties being unable to agree.

Democrats, including the President, went into the shutdown saying they would not negotiate over funding levels for the government, or the many emerging problems in the President's health care law. In the end, they finally came to the table and agreed to the Obamacare fraud prevention measures.

This part of the bill was not a major concession, and fell short of what many others and I had hoped to achieve in this debate. However, for a short-term agreement this concession and the agreement to begin negotiations over a long term budget were an acceptable means to end the immediate impasse.

Neither side should be satisfied with either the government shutdown, or where we are now. Many of our national challenges remain unresolved, and we face the prospect of another showdown in early 2014. In order to move forward and stop the seemingly never ending brinksmanship, both sides must continue to negotiate in good faith.

The American people elected a majority of Republicans to control the House of Representatives, a majority of Democrats to control the Senate, and a Democratic President. Neither party has a mandate, nor the ability to get everything it wants. As we work to address these challenges we must work together, talk, continue to seek common ground, and never let bickering replace honest debate.

While the latest fight in our ongoing political battles was frustrating and problematic for many, I still believe we are capable of coming to a broad agreement to put our nation on a better path. I hope we will seize the opportunity.

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    NEGOTIATION? Negotiate what, Adrian? Negotiate away our Constitution? Negotiate the demise of our REPUBLIC? Negotiate the American people into poverty and endless tyranny under a cabal of Socialists? You are as naive as you are disingenuous.

    You sold us out, Adrian Smith! You handed a den of Marxists thieves and their political ****** exactly what they demanded - total capitulation and complete control over the People's House - and treasury.

    You, and your buddies in the Nebraska delegation, completely surrendered to a petulant narcissistic tyrant, and allowed his bald lies to go unanswered, unchallenged - all because Republicans have not the spine to stand on principle and fight these so-called "Democrats"

    Please, Adrian, stop calling them your "colleagues" - your "friends" ... They are nothing of the sort.

    The Democrats - and more than a handful of Republicans are socialists and outright power-hungry oligarchs, who think themselves superior to their constituents. You and they "know what's best for us" (so said Ben Nelson!) whether we want it or not. How many different ways do Americans need to shout "NO!" on "Obamacare" - and all the other unconstitutional B.S. this regime has dictated upon us? But, you? Oh, let's negotiate! Let's only kill off this Republic a little bit at a time! Let's betray the American people and dissolve their the Constitution slowly - so the people will not complain too much. So the people will not take up arms and hang the lot of you outright!

    You and the others completely abdicated your fiduciary responsibility over the nation's purse. Rather than requiring a simple majority in the Legislature so to raise the debt limit - Congress must now have 2/3 super majority to override a presidential veto of your "disapproval" of a debt increase. Nice going, Einstein!

    The Supreme Court ruled in 1983 that one branch cannot cede its constitutional responsibility to another - but that is exactly what you, and the other traitors to this Republic, did!

    Adrian Smith, Jeff Fortenberry, Lee Terry, Mike Johanns, and Deborah Fischer ... You each rolled over and exposed your soft white underbellies - or more accurately, your YELLOW bellies, to those who desire this free Republic die and be transformed into a Communist State.

    So, Representative Smith, do not pontificate to me about how "negotiations must continue"! There is NOTHING to negotiate - unless you count turning tale an act of negotiation! Why not simply rip the Constitution in half, tell us you no longer support a Republic, and join your "colleagues" across the aisle?

    Let's stop pretending, Adrian, shall we? You and the back-room party bosses have no intention of ever getting this damnable Marxist monkey from Hell off the backs of the American People ...

    Obamacare - and all the other socialist machinations - are just something we Americans must learn to accept ... Is that not the true state of affairs among the elitists of government?

    "Re-education" and assimilation into the omnipotent State Collective - they are the order of the day! Is that not what you, and the others of the ruling class crew, really intend for the American people?

    You, and the other "agreeable" darlings of Congress, would enjoy adding a few more artifacts from Lenin's bag of socialist tricks too - is that not the truth of it all?

    Your words ring hollow, Adrian. Not one of you in the Nebraska delegation has an ounce of credibility - nor a shred of honor.

    -- Posted by Bruce Desautels on Sat, Oct 19, 2013, at 2:01 PM
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