
Jennifer Morgan

Motherhood Moments

-- Jennifer Morgan is the mother of three girls and lives in McCook.

Faces all over spaces

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Okay, so if you aren't aware, which I'm sure most parents my age already are, the cool thing for early teeny boppers to do, is to take pictures of themselves on their phones or iPads or whatever techno devices they have that their parents don't know how to run. When I say "themselves," I'm referring to just their face.

They take 167 pictures of their face in different emotions and then post them on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat or whatever newfangled way there is to communicate with their peeps. Actually I was informed last weekend that Facebook is so not cool anymore and is just for us old parents. So, for now, I guess I'll refer to Instagram and Snapchat.

I know, some of you folks over 35 are like, "what?? What the heck is Insta...chat or Snap...gram?"

Don't worry. They'll be ancient history by Christmas, so just roll with it for now.

Anyway, many a time I've caught my older two daughters standing in front of the mirror snapping a dozen different pictures of their face. I act like I don't know what they're doing but after they leave the room, I scroll through their photos on their phone and giggle at their expressions.

There's three pictures of their "surprised" face, four pictures of their "pouty question" face, two pictures of their "sweet pageant winner" face" and three pictures of their "shocked, I just won the lottery face."

Then I check their Instagram post and find they've chosen the "pageant face" with eyes looking at the sky and hair around shoulders. Oh, good choice, honey! Then I see that 22 of their techy friends have "liked" their photo and two acquaintances have commented, "so beautiful" and "pretty girl." Too funny!

Oh my gosh, after seeing these interactions with kids these days, you don't know how bad I want to do the same and send it to all of my 318 "friends" on MyInstaFaceGram or whatever the latest and greatest is. If I could guarantee that all these friends of mine would know it was a joke and and merely an exaggeration of my girls' trends, then, trust me, you'd be seeing my best "pouty lip worried face" and if you're lucky, my "contemplating Socrates philosophies" face. I bet I'd get a few "likes" but probably way more comments, like "Uh ... Jennifer, are you doin' okay?" Or perhaps, "Wow, great pix. By the way, have you tried the new wrinkle cream for moms?"

Although it'd be embarrassing to me, it might just be worth it to humiliate my girls with their mom's mug all over cyberspace expressing 18 different fake emotions. I think I can make a great "Did I just burn the casserole?!" face and share it successfully with all the other moms out there.

Maybe I can start a new trend for us moms where instead of sharing typed Facebook posts about changing diapers or surviving horrible sleepovers, we can post pictures of our faces when experiencing these emotions. Who wouldn't want to see a picture of a mom's face while she's standing in a long line at the grocery store with her three little kids screaming at her while the old lady in front of her is writing a check. I would "like" that picture and even comment on it! Encourage the poor mom to hang in there, it'll pass.

If you have a smartphone, iPod or iPad, it's time to start spreading our faces all over spaces. Show off your "My kid just hit a homerun" face, or your "I'm gonna strangle my husband" face or "I can't believe how big my baby's getting" face.

Don't worry about the wrinkles or age spots, it's the new thing, embrace it! I look forward to seeing your faces!

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