Memorial threshing

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Gazette

Griff Malleck of McCook, Nebraska, starts up a steam-engine tractor, preparing for the annual threshing and harvesting event in memory of his father. Griff schedules the "Bum Malleck Memorial Threshing" to start at noon, Sunday, south of Indianola (follow the signs), as an event of Indianola's "Old Settlers Celebration." Activities will include threshing with steam power, corn-shelling with mule power, and a 1890-era mule-powered header that cuts the grain and elevates it onto a barge pulled by a team of horses. New this year will be tours of a refurbished 1920-era horse and mule barn and rope-making demonstrations. Griff said recently, "Last year, we had more than 1,000 people in attendance. We don't charge admission, and there will be food on the grounds."

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