SWNCTA military benefit

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Howard Kool, left, and Don Harpst, right, present a $506.50 check from the Southwest Nebraska Community Theatre Association to Dan Stramel, commander of McCook American Legion Post 203. SWNCTA contributed 50 cents per ticket sold to its spring production of "South Pacific" to Operation Comfort Warriors, which provides comfort items not usually supplied by the government to meet the needs of wounded, injured or ill military personnel. Supported by the American Legion, all proceeds go to provide patients at U.S. military hospitals and warrior transition units with items like sweat suits, DVDs, puzzles, electronic devices, books, calling cards, as well as larger items such as ping pong tables, entertainment centers, computers, kayaks and other recreational goods for use by wounded warriors in common areas.

Bruce Crosby/McCook Gazette

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