Dreams and Visions, Part 3

Dear Friend,
In this vision, Daniel was given the outline of future world history, into the Tribulation period, which is just ahead, and it is following the given trajectory perfectly. Other portions of scripture fill in the details. Our world is in a terrible mess and although many organizations are desperately trying to fix the many problems, they are doomed to fail. Because of our many and GROSS sins (55 million babies murdered)
America is under God's judgment. And when America goes down (financially), the whole world will come to a standstill, and that has to be soon. What will Christians do then? I believe that's when the TRUMPET OF THE LORD will sound and we will be caught up to GLORY. "O that will be glory for me, glory for me, When by His grace I shall look on His face, O that will be glory, be glory for me." Words from the old hymns fill me with hope and expectancy.
Daniel 8, Vs.1 "In the third year of the reign of Belshazzar the king (Nebuchadnezzar's grandson?) a vision appeared to me, subsequent to the one which appeared to me previously." This vision could have appeared to Daniel, like a large I-MAX theater screen. Vs. 2 " I looked in the vision, and it came about while I was looking that I was in the citadel of Susa, which is in the province of Elam; and I looked in the vision and I myself was beside the Ulai Canal." This is present day Iran. Vs. 3 Then I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold a ram which had two horns was standing in front of the canal. Now the two horns were long, but one was longer than the other, with the longer one coming up last." The two horns represent the Medo-Persian Empire, the Medes ruled for awhile and then the Persians became stronger under Cyrus and ruled the longest....the long horn. Vs. 4 I saw the ram butting eastward, northward, and southward, and no other beasts (nations) before him nor was there anyone to rescue from his power, but he did as he pleased and magnified himself." Under Cyrus, the Jewish people who had been conquered and carried away to Babylon, were allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple and Cyrus even furnished the materials for the temple. See Nehemiah!
Vs 5, "While I was observing, behold, a male goat (Alexander The Great) was coming from the west over the surface of the whole earth without touching the ground (Please review ch. 2); and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes." Vs 6 "He came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath." Vs. 7 I saw him come beside the ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and shattered his two horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him, and there was none to rescue the ram from his power." Alexander The Great was a military genius who devised a method of warfare that, although vastly outnumbered, quickly conquered the Medo-Persian army. In ch. 2 we see there were to be four worldwide kingdoms of which Greece under Alexander The Great was the third. The fourth one of course is the Roman Empire, which lasted the longest, but due to internal corruption, finally came Apart at the seams in about 550 A. D. but will be totally revived in the last of the LAST DAYS under the Antichrist, in which time we are living. Vs. 8, "Then the male goat magnified himself exceedingly (look at me, I conquered the whole world by the time I was 33). But as soon as he was mighty, the large horn was broken (Alexander died in a drunken stupor); and in its place there came up four conspicuous horns.....(Alexander's four generals divided up his empire amongst themselves) toward the four winds of heaven."
Vs. 9 Out of one of them came a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south (Egypt), toward the east (Iraq & Iran today) and toward the Beautiful Land (Israel)." Vs. 10 "It grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars (Nations) to fall to the earth, And it trampled them down." Vs. 11 "It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host (Jesus Christ.....this is portraying the coming Antichrist); and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down." Vs. 12, "And on account of transgression the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; and it (The Antichrist) will fling truth to the ground and perform it's will and prosper." Yes God is the One Who turns the earth and its people over to the Antichrist. Now turn back to 7:8 for a look at the soon coming Antichrist......"While I was contemplating the horns (nations & Prime Ministers)) , behold, another horn --Antichrist.....a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it....Antichrist (they were murdered; and behold this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts."
BELOVED FRIEND, now is the time to receive Christ as your Savior, so you can escape from this wicked world and man. Pray, "Lord Jesus, the handwriting is on the wall. I believe you are coming soon to take Your children home to Heaven. I receive You now as my Savior and Lord. Please forgive me of all my sin's and take me with You to glory. Thank You for dying in my place and bearing my sins in Your Own body on the cross. Amen!"
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Your friend,
Paul Schneider