College board approves new assessment position
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Mid Plains Community College board of governors approved the creation of a new position to measure how well the college is doing its job.
The Area Assessment Coordinator will collect and analyze data such as transfer success, job placement and other outcomes for use in accreditation and administration.
The position is budgeted for up to $77500 for salary and support, and it is hoped it can be filled later this fall, according to college officials.
The employee could be based either in North Platte or McCook, governors were told at Wednesday's meeting in McCook.
In other business, the board recognized the Mid-Plains Vocational Education Association negotiating team, and accepted an athletic insurance plan for the 2013-14 year with First Agency, for $55,150 with a $250 deductible.
While the college has always had athletic insurance, board approval is required because the cost has crossed the $50,000 threshold.
The board also received a fire science program update from Dr. Jody Tomanek, Area Vice-President for Instruction and Tim Zehnder, fire science instructor.
They reported the fire science program was started 10 years ago with a part-time director during that time.
During that time, 192 students have attended classes in the last 10 years; 19 students have graduated with an AAS degree.
The program has typically presented three night classes per semester, available via distance learning and usually took three years to finish. In the short time Zehnder has held this position in the area, he has sent out information flyers to fire departments to Mid-Plains' 18-county area as well as 25 in Kansas, attended the Nebraska State Fire School, visited almost every fire department in the 18-county area, plans to attend all mutual aid meetings in the 18-county area, and is assembling an Advisory board to help lead the program. The curriculum has been re-written and updated, a Facebook page has been created, a branding logo developed and accepted $30,000 in Genesis rescue and extrication tools.
The college board will meet again at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, in North Platte.