City takes over trash long haul

Thursday, June 13, 2013

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The City of McCook hopes to save money in the long run by investing another $190,000 in trash hauling equipment and expenses, intending to proceed with taking over what has traditionally been a locally contracted service to haul trash to a landfill.

The additional expense is a combination of a $170,000 purchase of two trash hauling trailers and an approximate $20,000 increase to the department's budget.

The proposed trash hauling expenditures would be in addition to the September 2012 emergency purchase of two semi trucks at $69,800, and council approved addition of a full-time truck driver position.

The City Council coordinated its annual budget retreat, Tuesday evening, to discuss strategies and priorities for the 2013-14 fiscal year city budget. During the meeting, Councilor Bruce McDowell asked if city staff had given consideration to bidding the trash hauling service out again.

Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff replied that it was a possibility but he didn't believe anyone could do it cheaper than the city could, "in the long run."

Potthoff said he believes the city's per ton cost will be less than what any bids would come in at.

Potthoff said it would cost the city an increase of $20,000 to get into the business, which included a full time truck driver position that was already budgeted. Potthoff said that amount did not include the investment of equipment though, which he estimated at $170,000 for the new trailers.

Potthoff said no used trailers were available and new ones would take three to four months to receive, allowing for build time.

Councilor Jerry Calvin asked if city staff had the personnel to provide maintenance work on the trucks and Potthoff replied that the city was hoping to do all of that work themselves.

Councilor Mike Gonzales asked for a specific recommendation one way or another, pertaining to whether the city should take over the trash hauling business, and Potthoff replied that the their best information indicated they should get into the trash hauling business. Potthoff said the city wouldn't know the true costs of getting into the trash hauling business until a year down the road, adding "we have never been in the trucking business."

The previous contracted trash hauler for the city, Steve Fritz, warned city staff in October that they were underestimating maintenance and upkeep costs involved with the semi trucks used in the hauling of trash and said they would likely have to add another full-time mechanic position.

Since the city purchased the two semi trucks last fall it has already had one of them break down while hauling trash. Potthoff informed councilors during the budget meeting that the semi truck broke down a mile after unloading trash and was subsequently towed to North Platte for repairs.

Potthoff indicated that a third, backup semi truck, would likely be requested in the future as well.

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  • So, what happens when they keep coming back for more money? We won't know for a year if this is going to work or not! Were hoping to do all the work ourselves. And by the way we had to hire somebody to come fix our truck. What kind of an answer is that? If you don't know the answers why would you put the taxpayers at risk? You know nothing about the trucking business, but yet dive in and waste our money to figure out if it can be done! Any council member that votes for this, should be held accountable in the next election. Another train wreck, or I should say truck wreck waiting to happen!!

    -- Posted by smz on Thu, Jun 13, 2013, at 4:27 PM
  • Smc, please let the city know of any reliable firms willing to do the trash hauling. They said that was a consideration but knew of none available in the area.

    -- Posted by dennis on Thu, Jun 13, 2013, at 5:46 PM
  • Glad to see the city take over the job that they should have done in the beginning many years ago. Now its time to quit hauling trash 100 plus miles 1 way vs on 5- 10 miles or less to a City owned local landfill as most other cities in Nebraska or Kansas the same size of McCook all do. Hauling trash or Prisoners outside the area has never been the right decision in Red Willow County has never been a good cost effective long term solution for local taxpayers except for past decision makers willing to ignore doing what is best even if it means going into debt to save money long term vs renting and giving away money to others providing service we should be doing ourselves. Glad to see that is changing in McCook..

    -- Posted by Cornwhisperer on Thu, Jun 13, 2013, at 11:23 PM
  • dennis,

    The last time it was bid in 2009, the other firms bidding were C & J Trucking, DFR and Dan's Sanitation. The city had used C & J before it was outbid by Fritz when it was time to rebid the contract. The city has bid out the contract and never had a problem receiving bids from firms that meet bid specs. I don't know why, all of a sudden, there would be a problem receiving bids for the service.

    -- Posted by Aaron Kircher on Fri, Jun 14, 2013, at 12:43 PM
  • The city, and the taxpayers for that matter, are getting ready to get a big education.

    -- Posted by swnefarmer on Fri, Jun 14, 2013, at 3:26 PM
  • Well said Aaron! Once again the city is making foolish decisions with OUR money. And I'm afraid the big education they are getting ready to receive will also be an expensive one!

    -- Posted by remington-81 on Sat, Jun 15, 2013, at 11:57 AM
  • buy the trailers and let owner operators pull them????!!!!!per mile charge

    -- Posted by moodueland on Mon, Jun 17, 2013, at 5:43 PM
  • City tired of current past bidders under bidding and greed and coming back wanting more money for their stupid bids and now Fritz cant figure out how to do a job they bid and legally was contracted to do for city residents/Lawsuit to get money back? ........Time to let city do the job period and pay the city taxpayers the profit margins in hauling it themselves vs bidding it out.

    -- Posted by Cornwhisperer on Mon, Jun 24, 2013, at 11:58 AM
  • Cornwhisperer...have you checked into the cost of running trucks lately? Truckers hauling into that landfill have to replace tires constantly because they get ruined up there. Fuel isn't cheap. Heavy use taxes are coming up. Those trailers are high maintenance. If they were tearing up Fritz's trailers while they were loading, what do you think is going to happen to the city-owned trailers? The city has already spent a pile on equipment. There will be no profit-margins.

    -- Posted by swnefarmer on Mon, Jun 24, 2013, at 12:40 PM
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