H Street repairs call for special route planning

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
H Street, one of McCook's main arteries, is closed from Norris Avenue to East Seventh as a major reconstruction project gets under way for the summer. (Bruce Crosby/McCook Daily Gazette)

McCOOK, Nebraska -- Travelers along East H Street will find themselves required to use alternate routes over the next several months as part of the street improvement project scheduled to begin Tuesday. The project will consist of three phases and is anticipated to be completed by late fall.

According to Public Works Director Kyle Potthoff, the first phase of the project will consist of roadway from Norris Avenue to the west side of East Seventh Street and is estimated to require 40 working days to complete, weather permitting.

Phase two will focus on roadway from East Seventh Street to the west side of East 11th Street and is estimated to require 30 working days to complete.

The third and final phase of the project will focus on roadway from East 11th Street to Airport Road and is estimated to require 35 working days to complete. Potthoff said the final phase presents the most hurdles, due to potential congestion issues with traffic at Community Hospital and the McCook Clinic.

City staff met with representatives from both healthcare entities last week to discuss the project. Potthoff said that keeping southern access to the hospital open, as much as possible, would be a priority. Potthoff anticipated being able to limit closing the southern traffic entrance to 7 or 8 days during the third phase.

The intersection of East 11th Street and East H Street is scheduled to remain open at all times throughout the project.

The project includes new concrete roadway and sidewalk handicap ramps along East H Street, from Norris Avenue to Airport Road. The contractor for the $1.6 millions project is Paulsen Inc.

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