
Legislature finishes public hearings

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Last week the Legislature finished its public hearings on the bills introduced this session, and will be starting all-day debate this week.

Nine of the bills heard in the Judiciary last week dealt with issues relating to firearms. Two of the bills were my bills LB352, that would require a uniform sign and the placement of that sign for prohibiting Concealed Handgun Permit holders by property owners, and LB335, which would clarify that employees and customers can transport and store firearms in their private vehicles when in a parking lot open to the public. I think both bills had a good hearing.

Currently, the Concealed Handgun Permit Act requires that any owners or controllers of property wishing to prohibit the carry of concealed handguns by a permit-holder may post conspicuous notice, or ask the permit-holder to remove the handgun from the premises. The problem lies in the fact that "conspicuous" is not defined. My bill would define what is conspicuous notice. This would provide clear signage for permit-holders and protection for property owners, including clarity for law enforcement when confronted with any disputes.

Because, I have received several calls from people throughout the state who work at a business that have policies that do not allow them to transport or store firearms in their private vehicle while at work, even if the vehicle is parked in a parking area open to the public; I introduced LB335.

I can understand that an employer should have a right to control their own vehicles and areas that are not open to the public. But, for an employer to tell an employee who is legally possessing and transporting a firearm for legal purposes that they cannot store that firearm in their privately owned vehicle in an area open to the public, seems to go too far, and interferes with the employees own property rights, let alone, their constitutional rights. The bill would not apply to school parking areas, which are currently regulated by Section 28-1204.04, that would stay the same.

As we celebrate Holy Week and approach Easter weekend, I pray that you have time to reflect on the amazing love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, expressed in His death and resurrection for anyone who chooses to trust Him and His work on the Cross for the forgiveness of their sins. Have a wonderful Easter celebrating the event that changed history, and eternity.

If you have any questions or comments, contact my office. Mark R. Christensen, PO Box 94604, Lincoln, NE 68509. 402-471-2805 or mchristensen@leg.ne.gov.

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