
Best food ever: Egg drop soup?

Friday, February 22, 2013

For some reason "Chinese" is a word missing from Declan's vocabulary. Everything Asian related is "China" in his world.

I took him to lunch the other day at our local Chinese restaurant and you would have thought it was Chuck E. Cheese's the way he acted.

He could hardly contain his excitement and the questions about every piece of decor in the place flowed from him rapidly. From fountains to elaborately decorated lamps, it became apparent very quickly that everything must have some wonderful tale, some exciting history that I of course certainly knew and had yet to tell him.

I remember thinking to myself, "I need to take this kid out more often."

It was a fun dining experience for me as well though, having him on the edge of his seat and keying on every word I say with undivided attention is a rare treat indeed.

I couldn't help but make a few things up, the disappointment displayed on his face when I responded with, "I don't know" to his first couple of questions, was more than enough to stimulate my imagination.

Hopefully the future damage will be minimal when he attempts to relay the fabricated adventures of the "Bruce Karate Clan," whose clan colors may have been said to be the inspiration behind a certain color scheme used in the restaurant's dining booths.

I knew going into the meal that any food plan heavy on noodles and rice was going to be well received by the little guy, but still was a bit surprised to hear him claim that egg drop soup was the "best food ever." I committed to make it for him at home in the near future, and have added it to my "search for" recipe list.

Usually shy in the presence of strangers, it was surprising to have Declan pleading with me to be the one to pay for our meal. He took our check to the hostess and I expected him to do so with complete silence, but instead, he very proudly exclaimed to her, "Thank you, I love China food!"

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