
Jennifer Morgan

Motherhood Moments

-- Jennifer Morgan is the mother of three girls and lives in McCook.

Bling Bum

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I know they've been out for a while now, these new jeans with the bedazzled bums covered in shiny rhinestones. I never have been a huge fan of the new bling jeans, mostly because I'm a simple Sally but also because they cost a hair less than a thousand dollars. I never realized that the price of rhinestones was comparable to gold these days, and I just couldn't justify spending more on my jeans than I do on my electric bill.

Anyways, since my oldest daughter has always liked them, I just assumed these jeans, that could also double as reflectors in case your car breaks down on the highway, were just for the young girls and not old moms like me ... until my friends started wearing them, friends my age and some older. They tried to convince me that they are the only jeans that actually fit them well and made them look skinny.

Unconvinced, I thought I'd stick to my $20 pair of Plain Jane jeans. Plus, although my friends looked very nice in their $560 diamond studded jeans, I just questioned in my head if it was appropriate for me, a 40 year old mother of three to bring attention to my bum with a sparkling backside. Maybe when I was 25 or even 30 for that matter and had one baby on my hip, could I pull off jeans with a bottom that was brighter than the Vegas strip. However, today, I was convinced I would look like that one mom we all make fun of, who just can't let her glory days go.

So anyway, at some recent family gatherings, I noticed my two aunts, both about 50, waltzing around in bling jeans. AND ... they looked cute and skinny!

So I had to share with them my fears of being too old to draw attention to my hiney with all that jean jewelry. They assured me I wasn't too old and informed me that there were less shiny options at a discounted price. They also convinced me that I will prefer the fit and quality over other jeans.

I admit I'm considering it. Recently, I've even made a few trips to the jean store and actually tried a few pairs on. However, I still felt like I was shopping for my daughter and not myself.

Even looking in the dressing room mirror, I felt like I was dressing up to go to the club, not pick up kids from school.

Although, the bling jeans looked fine on me, I didn't amazingly feel 10 years younger, nor did I look 10 pounds lighter, so for now, I'll stick with my cheap jeans with no studs, no diamonds and no shiny bum.

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