Golf course renovation goes forward, despite hail, drought
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Despite being slammed with the double whammy of a hard hitting 2011 hail storm and the devastating 2012 drought, McCook's award-winning Heritage Hills Golf Course is going full speed ahead with a course-wide, $250,000 renovation project.
Bill Bieck, the course superintendent, described the challenges and the successes Monday night at the annual meeting of the Heritage Hills Golf Corp.
"Within a span of 14 months the course improvement project grew from a $5,000 upgrade to a quarter of a million dollar improvement project that has brought changes to all 18 holes on the course," Bieck said.
"I'm proud of my staff, I'm proud of the renovation committee and I'm proud of the community. They have all stepped up big-time."
Because of generous giving by dozens of McCook golfers and businesses, the improvement project was accomplished without dipping into the golf club's general fund.
"Dues will stay the same as they were for the 2012 season," Board President Leeland Shiers announced on behalf of a united board.
Also at the annual meeting:
* Members chose Jeff Shaddock and Joe Townsley as the new members of the Heritage Hills Board of Directors. Shaddock and Townsley replace Kirk Kilpatrick and Leeland Shiers, who term-limited out after six years of board service.
* Bieck reported the main equipment upgrades in 2012 were a new greens aerator, which cost $21,000, and a used tee mower, acquired for $13,000.
* Financial Chairman Don Moore told about improvements in and around the clubhouse, including covering the patio; redecorating the bar area; improving the locker rooms; and buying a new Traeger grill.
* Course improvements will continue in 2013, with work still to be done on cart paths and the new, elevated tee box on Hole Number Six.
When the drought hit and persisted, the fill dirt on No. 6 turned to fine, dry dust. "The soil became like flour," Bieck said. "If you tried to walk up to the tee box, you sank to your kneecaps."
Looking forward to 2013, the members and the board began planning a major promotional campaign, with Kirk Kilpatrick announcing an all-out effort to grow the membership, increase local play and expand marketing to attract golfers from the Omaha, Lincoln and Denver areas. The golf course will continue to raise funds for improvements, including additional cart paths, through private donations, fund raising events and additional sources.