
Jennifer Morgan

Motherhood Moments

-- Jennifer Morgan is the mother of three girls and lives in McCook.

Daily Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So since the first of November, several of my mom friends have been posting online each day, something they're thankful for. There's been thankfulness for everything from their children, to their husbands, their daycare workers and their vehicles. What a perfect way to recognize and count your blessings for the Thanksgiving holiday! I think it's a wonderful idea and I should have participated in this online thanksgiving. However, I began to think that my daily postings would probably differ just a bit and be more like this:

Day 1 -- I'm thankful that my 12 year old finally made her bed in the morning without me asking twice.

Day 2 -- I'm thankful that my 5-year-old finally remembered to bring home her pink jacket that's been at school for the last 3 weeks.

Day 3 -- I'm thankful that my hubby emptied the dishwasher before I got home.

Day 4 -- I'm thankful no one stopped my favorite TV show from taping.

Day 5 -- I'm thankful for whichever child put the lid back on the toothpaste that morning. (I know I whine about that a lot but it's just one of those things, man!)

Day 6 -- I'm thankful for my 10 year old actually telling me she loves me when I dropped her off at school. (A rare occasion.)

Day 7 -- I'm thankful that hubby had my coffee made for me when I woke up.

Day 8 -- I'm thankful that I FINALLY got a front row parking spot at the Elementary school.

Day 9 -- I'm thankful I decided to buy that extra gallon of milk last Sunday cause we're almost out AGAIN!

Day 10 -- I'm thankful all three girls decided to eat at school so we don't have make lunches.

Day 11 -- I'm thankful that my 5- year-old agreed to go to bed at 8:30 without a fight.

Day 12 -- I'm thankful the lady at work couldn't believe I had a 12-year-old. (She's probably lying but I don't care, I'll take it!)

Day 13 -- I'm thankful I just got an insurance reimbursement check in the mail. (Score!)

Day 14 -- I'm thankful the girls dance class got cancelled so now we get the night off.

Day 15 -- I'm thankful for McTeacher Night and I have an excuse not to have fix dinner.

Day 16 -- I'm thankful that I got the permanent marker stain out of the couch.

Day 17 -- I'm thankful for whoever put in the new trash bag and took out the old.

Day 18 -- I'm thankful that my friend called unexpectedly and asked me to lunch.

Day 19 -- I'm thankful that my 10-year-old and 5-year-old played Polly Pockets for one whole hour without fighting.

Day 20 -- AND FINALLY ... I'm thankful that there is one more cold Coke left in the fridge with my name all over it!

As much as I am thankful for each of my girls, my husband, my family and friends, and all the other major blessings I've been given, I am also so grateful for the weird, little things that happen to me each day. These simple things sure help ease the chaos of a busy mom's life!

I hope each of you find the weird things to be thankful for too, and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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