Poetry winners

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

McCook, Nebraska, Senior High seniors Savannah Rogers (left) and Allison Been competed in and won a poetry contest called "Poetry Across the Generations: Building Bridges to Success for Youth." Savannah won first and Allison won second in the state-wide contest. Each submitted two original poems to the contest sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the Omaha Public Library System, and the Omaha Public Schools. The poems pertain to life as a teenager and then life as an older adult. The girls were notified of their winning submissions and were invited to participate in a slam poetry presentation of their poems on the UNO campus. Each received a cash prize for their efforts. Savannah is the daughter of Senamon Rogers and Lynn Engleman; Allison is the daughter of Kent and Peggy Been. Both are students of Pam Wolford.

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  • If you want to have a grand grand time,

    Praise to Jesus, in poetic rhyme,

    The world of verse will open it's door,

    To a Love filled heart, the Poet's core.


    -- Posted by Navyblue on Wed, Oct 17, 2012, at 11:24 AM
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