Culbertson CIP plan ice cream social Oct. 7
CULBERTSON, Nebraska -- The Culbertson CIP had its September meeting at the home of Cheri Cooper with three members present.
The group discussed repairs needed at the ball field. A letter will be mailed out in December or January to see if there is an interest in a summer ball program.
The group will check out the outdoor Christmas decorations for needed repairs on Sept. 27 at 1 p.m.
Christmas in Culbertson was set for Sunday, Dec. 2, at the Hitchcock County Ag Building. More plans will be made later. Vendors interested in having a table at the craft show should contact Donna Barth or Connie Barger.
A cake and ice cream social will be Sunday, Oct. 7, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the ambulance barn to say "Thank You" and "honor" the firemen and EMTs for their hard work and dedication fighting the fires this past summer. The public is invited to attend and express their appreciation to the Culbertson Fire Department and Rescue Squad.
Meeting was adjourned.