No 'longhorn sermon' at Cowboy Church
McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Rev. Clark Bates, senior pastor at McCook Christian Church, assured the congregation at Cowboy Church in the Kiplinger Arena Sunday during the Red Willow County Fair, that he wasn't going to give them a "Longhorn Sermon," where the preacher makes two points, separated by "a lot of bull."
True to his word, Bates encouraged the crowd with a homily inspired by his recent mission trip to Pine Haven Children's Ranch in Montana.
"We were told to pick up and pocket a rock," he said, "as a memorial of the trip."
He still had his rock weeks later and used it to demonstrate three distinct truths about Jesus Christ, the "Living Stone."
"Remember that Jesus is the Rock of our Salvation," he said, noting the increase in persecution of Christians in the United States.
Citing the recent controversy surrounding the CEO of Chick-fil-A and an Arizona man who is serving a 60 day jail sentence for conducting a Bible study at his home, Bates reminded his congregation that believers are, according to 1 Peter 2:4 and 5, "... like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
Though believers may be rejected by the world, "you have been chosen by God."
The church is not a place, Bates said, making his second point. "It is people, in unity in Christ, regardless of denomination.
"We're either worshipping God in our actions, or we're not," he said. "It's not about what we do on Sunday morning, it's about how we do our work, how we treat our families, how we do our school work."
Noting the decline in church membership, Pastor Bates said, "This needs to be about Jesus, we have failed to live for Jesus, who did not fail to die for us."
Finally, Bates said, drawing his remarks to a close, "Remember who you are in Christ:"
Accepted, chosen, loved, and "set apart for the cause of Christ."
Bates recommended that everyone present pick up a stone of remembrance when the service ended, so it could serve as a reminder that "You are adored, not just loved. You are one of God's own people, whose love is so great, it cannot be measured."
Brad and Adrienne Randel, with Lori Clough, Marty Guthrie, Matthew McCarty, Greg Swinney and Carl Riemann, led the worship music and performed several songs.