Prayer shawl dedicated for Kearney patient
CULBERTSON, Nebraska -- Ten members were in attendance when the Culbertson United Methodist Women had its July 25, 2012 meeting in Fellowship Hall.
President Charlotte Oberg opened the meeting by sharing "Following God's Leading" from Starting Your Day Right.
Lila Cook received a Corsage for Mission for her July birthday.
The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's report was given.
For Spiritual Growth, Jackie Friehe shared "Straining to See" from Praying Through the Bible in One Year. Psalm 119:123124 was the Scripture.
Jeannette Miller, Secretary of Program Resources, reported on the number of members who had completed the Reading Program. Prayer concerns were shared with the group.
Lesson leader Jackie Friehe presented a program from Women in the New Testament. She chose Elizabeth for her program. Members read Scripture from the First Chapter in Luke to tell the story. Discussions were held throughout the readings.
Following the program a prayer shawl was dedicated for a patient in the hospital in Kearney.
A salad luncheon is being planned for the Culbertson school personnel on Aug. 10, at noon.
Jeannette Miller was the hostess.
The next meeting will be the Golden Tea on Aug. 22.