School board tables student fees

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

McCook Daily Gazette

McCOOK, Nebraska -- After discussing what clubs and activities qualify, the McCook School Board tabled action adopting the policy concerning Student Fees.

Student Fees is an account at the McCook School District, mandated by state law, that can be accessed by students who qualify for free or reduced lunches, to help pay for extracurricular activities. These activities include school activities or organizations which are supervised or administered by the school district, such as art club or band, that do not count toward graduation or advancement between grades and is not required by the school.

Per state law, the policy must be reviewed and approved each year.

At the public hearing concerning the adoption of the policy, Board member Diane Lyons asked about a chart or graph that was included in the past student fee policy, that outlined what clubs qualify and if new clubs, such as dance team or chess club, are included.

Superintendent Grant Norgaard said he was familiar with the chart and would bring that to the board at the next meeting. Lyons also asked that the policy be included in student handbooks.

In response to a question by board member Larry Shields, McCook Public Schools business manager Rick Haney responded that there has been no activity in the account, due to teachers and those in the community, such as civic groups or boosters, who provide for students in need.

"If a kid needs something, generally someone steps up and takes care of it," Haney said.

After the public hearing closed and during the regular meeting, the board tabled any action adopting the policy, so board members can review the chart before approving the policy.

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