Planners to consider development

Friday, July 6, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Planning Commission will coordinate a public hearing Monday evening to discuss a request to allow a truck and farm equipment repair facility on a lot located on the North side of Drive 716, to the west of U.S. Highway 83.

A similar special exception from the same project developers, Randy and Curtis Lashley, was denied by commissioners in April after city staff indicated that the previous site, located on the southeast corner of intersection of Road 383 and Drive 716, would not follow suggested residential use of the location and would impact existing residences.

The new site proposed for the facility is on the north side of Drive 716, two lots west of block 2 of the A.M. Bishop addition, where both commissioners and the McCook City Council previously approved a special exception for a commercial welding and repair shop.

The new site location will also be located on land with a future use of residential, according to the city's comprehensive plan, however city staff has indicated in the meeting agenda that the previous approval of the welding shop and a grain distribution center on the south side of Drive 716, support their recommendation for approval of this special exception.

A complaint from one property owner who resides on Drive 716, submitted in April, was not mentioned in the meeting notes with the new special exception request. That complaint cited safety and security concerns for children and families who lived in the area, stemming from increased traffic on Drive 716. The property owner referred to Drive 716 as a narrow road and said it had a 6-ton per axle limit, which many truck and farm equipment would exceed.

The property owners also raised concerns pertaining to hazardous materials they believed would be dumped by the truck and farm equipment repair facility, which could contaminate well water of residents in the area.

In closing, the property owners asked the City of McCook to guarantee that all home owners affected by the previous special exception request, have the ability to sell their homes to the city at fair market value.

The Planning Commission meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:15 p.m., Monday evening at Memorial Auditorium. Following the public hearing to discuss the special exception request, commissioners will vote on whether or not to recommend approval to the McCook City Council.

During the meeting commissioners will also participate in a discussion of updates to the city comprehensive plan, coordinated by Tim Keelan of Hanna:Keelan Associates.

The selection of new officers to serve from April 2012 through March 2013 is also scheduled.

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