On the record

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This information is gathered at the McCook Public Safety Center, the McCook office of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Red Willow County Courthouse, the Red Willow County Sheriff's Office and the McCook Humane Society.

Police activity

Activity log

These items are taken from reports filed by the McCook Police Department. The locations refer to block numbers, not specific addresses. If you have information about any of these reports, call the police department at (308) 345-3450.


1:11 a.m., 200 block of E. Second - lost animal

1:38 a.m., Southwest McCook - intrusion alarm

5:25 a.m., 800 block of West K - theft

5:46 a.m., Northeast McCook - security check

5:49 a.m. East U.S. Highway 6 and 34 - advised Red Willow County Deputy of car / deer accident

6:19 a.m., East U.S. Highway 6 and 34 - other agency assist

7:00 a.m., South Cherokee - theft

8:31 a.m., 600 block of E. Seventh - theft

9:55 a.m., 500 block of West B - dispatched ambulance

11:32 a.m., Bartley - dispatched Bartley ambulance

11:46 a.m., Bison Holiday Drive - suspicious activity

12:13 p.m., 1800 block of West O - traffic accident

1:58 p.m., 300 block of W. Ninth - traffic accident

2:00 p.m., Rural Danbury - Red Willow County Deputies arrested three subjects for burglary

3:30 p.m., 1100 block of W. Second - suspicious activity

4:49 p.m., Northeast McCook - security check

4:58 p.m., 1800 block of West O - suspicious activity

6:30 p.m., 1500 block of East 11th - dispatched ambulance

6:30 p.m., 500 block of West B - report of lost property

7:58 p.m., Barnett Park - traffic complaint

8:49 p.m., East U.S. HIghway 6 and 34 - Other Agency Assist

9:14 p.m., 900 block of E. Fourth - neighbor dispute

11:12 p.m., 500 block of West G - citizen assist

Ambulance Calls


11:33 a.m., 300 block of Norris Avenue -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

1:18 p.m., 600 block of E. Sixth Street -- trauma, transport to Community Hospital

5:00 p.m., Southwest of McCook -- rescue, standby

5:51 p.m., 1300 block of East H Street -- patient transfer via McCook airport

9:35 p.m., 400 block of E. Fourth Street -- outside structure fire


12:30 p.m., 1400 block of W. Fifth Street -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

2:01 p.m., 600 block of West 12th Street -- structure fire, no transport

4:52 p.m., 400 block of West R Street -- public assist, no transport

5:26 p.m., 200 block of North U.S. Highway 83 -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

9:55 p.m., 800 block of East B Street -- trauma, no transport

11:00 p.m., 500 block of West O Street -- medical, no transport


2:20 p.m., 1000 block of Cherokee -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

11:22 p.m., West U.S. Highway 6 and 34, junction with West U.S. Highway 83 -- trauma, transport to Community Hospital


12:18 a.m., 1300 block of East H Street -- patient transport to McCook airport

3:09 a.m., 1100 block of West 10th Street -- transport, cancelled

5:45 p.m., 1400 block of W. Third Street -- medical, transport to Community Hospital

7:55 p.m., 1300 block of East H Street -- patient transfer to McCook airport

9:09 p.m., 200 block of West B Street -- medical, no transport


3:12 a.m., 900 block of East G Street -- public assist, no transport

Pet Patrol 345-2372