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Wisdom from some of our more outspoken graduates
Friday, June 15, 2012
Every spring we put out several graduation publications including my favorite, which was published in late April and focused on comments from graduating kindergartners. The project puts portions of popular phrases in front of the youngsters and they are tasked with completing the sentence, typically resulting in some fun responses.
While some of you may very well have read that particular 18-page section in its entirety, I suspect many of you found the pages where the children most dear to you were and read only their comments, as I did.
In reviewing the section again recently I realized there were some hilarious comments I missed as a result of my selective reading. Given the fast paced society that we live in, many other readers probably did as well, so I have compiled a collection of clever comments to share with you and plan to use a few more in the coming weeks.
Colton Sedlacek of McCook offered a pair of "all-boy" responses, saying "Home is where your underpants are" and "The best things in life are monster trucks."
Danielle Weyeneth of Oberlin reminded us that it was, "Better safe than going upstairs in the attic." While classmate Mason Urban said "Don't count your chickens before you ride a mad bull."
Pryce Johnston of Maywood offered a charming "The best things in life are you!!!" But Wade Hodges of Hitchcock County argued that "The best things in life are doing the monkey bars" and Haylee Schlegel of McCook held to what is likely the most popular belief amongst kindergartners, "The best things in life are ramen noodles."
Jadyn Adams of Southwest said "Many hands make light stuff lighter." As it is impossible for me to get Declan to pickup his bedroom without assistance, I have a feeling he would agree more with Becca Koenig of St. Pat's Kindergarten, who said "Many hands make light the picking up the toys."
Johnathan Sosa Morales of Chase County echoed what several other youngsters replied, "People who live in glass houses should not play baseball." Addison Robinson, also of Chase County, said "People who live in glass houses should not ever, ever ever, stay in glasshouses." I would probably lean towards a comment from Byanka Tyan of Hitchcock County, who said "People who live in glass houses should not be naughty."
Jason Nelson of Chase County wrote "Many hands make light the sky." Then promptly asked, "Is this a test? Did I pass?"
Noah Hinson of McCook said "Don't make mountains out of eyeballs." I would have to agree that we should attempt to avoid that at all cost.
Layton Sailor of Maywood warned that "Like looking for a needle will poke you."
Sage Dulany of Rawlins County thought we should all "Take time to smell fire," but fellow Rawlins County kindergarten graduate Emma Draper thought we should instead, "Take time to smell a fox."
If you do take time to smell a fire, Kemper Roybal-George of Rawlins County makes a good point that we are probably "Better safe than, well that's why you have fire alarms."
Marik Knight of Southwest offered some wisdom to chicken owners, "Don't count your chickens before the dogs eat them."
Comments from my own little graduate may not have been humorous enough to make the final cut, but one certainly put a smile on my face and even today blurs my vision just a touch. Declan wrote, "The best things in life are home."