City issues sign reminder

Friday, June 1, 2012
Bruce Baker/McCook Daily Gazette

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook Public Works Department issued a reminder to citizens that it is against municipal code to attach signs or other objects to any tree growing in a public place.

There have reportedly been occurrences of garage sale signs placed on trees that could cause long-term damage and in some instances kill the tree.

In a press release issued Thursday city staff also reminded the public that it is unlawful to attach signage to traffic signs or traffic control devices, as it can be distracting to motorist. Individuals placing yard signs were also asked to please pick them up once the sale is completed.

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  • if they don't pick them back up the city should go to the address and give them a little ticket and if it is against the municipal code why do they allow it in the first place they have the address take it down and give them a ticket.

    -- Posted by mbrownsl on Mon, Jun 4, 2012, at 12:57 PM
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