Community Hospital Diabetic Support Group to meet Thursday

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

McCook, Nebraska--The diabetic support group will meet Thursday, May 17 at 7 p.m. at Community Hospital in the Meadowlark Conference rooms.

Speakers Brenda McGuire, FROG Coordinator and Martha Roe, fitness instructor will share some personal experiences with exercise and provide the group with an exercise update. Monica Wacker, RN, Certified Diabetic Educator will facilitate the meeting.

The diabetic support group is sponsored by Community Hospital and is open to all diabetics, their families and those interested in learning more about diabetes.

The group meets for about one hour. No reservations are required and there is no charge to attend.

The support group generally meets every other month at Community Hospital on the third Thursday, September through May. For more information, call Monica Wacker at 308-344-8539.

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