Boys State reps selected

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Boys State representatives from Southwest High School are, from left, Devin Sughroue, Justin Daffer and Oliver Kragelund Photo by Cody Gerlach/Cambridge Clarion Permission granted to use.

Southwest High School Boys State representatives have been selected.

Devin Sughroue is a junior at Southwest High School and is the son of Tom and Kim Sughroue of Indianola. His grandparents are Tom and Sharon Sughroue of Culbertson and Jan Terrbell of Indianola. He is sponsored by Matthias Colling American Legion Post of Indianola and is also the second alternate to Jr. Law Cadet Program, also sponsored by American Legion. He was a member of FFA and participated in speech and drama. He also competes in football, wrestling and track. He is a former Cub Scout, played in Southwest Baseball for four years and has been involved in St. Catherine's CYO for 11 years.

Oliver Kragelund is a junior at Southwest High School and is the son of Jim and Jennifer Kragelund of Indianola. His grandparents are Sharon Anderson of Omaha, Nebraska, Bill and Marsha Kragelund of Anita, Iowa, and Roger and Theresa Burrington of Emmerson, Iowa. He is sponsored by Marion Schaffert American Legion Post of Bartley and also will be attending Jr. Law Cadet program.

He is an honor roll student and has competed at Inter-High Day in both his sophomore and junior years. He also wrestles and was named Academic All-Star in that sport.

He served as student ambassador to England and Scotland during the summer between fifth and sixth grade and presented an oratorical speech to the American Legion when he was a sophomore. Active in his community, he was a Kids' Club Teacher every Monday after school and worked concessions for bingo. He also was a member of the Edison Booster Club.

Justin Daffer is a junior at Southwest High School and is the son of Make and Sally Daffer of Danbury, Nebraska. His grandparents are Harlow and Sandra Daffer of Danbury. He is sponsored jointly by Indianola and Bartley American Legion posts.

He participated in choir and speech and drama and is a member of FFA. He also competes in football, wrestling and track and is a member of 4-H.

Boys' State is a plan for training in the functional aspects of citizenship. Its purpose is to teach the youth of today constructive attitudes toward the American form of government. Boys' State attempts to show that our form of government has not outworn its usefulness; that all a democracy needs is an intelligent citizenry and a clean, honest and impartial administration responsive to the will of the people.

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