New process in place for driver licenses, ID

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

LINCOLN, Nebraska -- The Department of Motor Vehicles today reminded Nebraskans that effective today, anyone needing a duplicate or replacement driver license or state-issued identification card will begin the application process with the DMV Driver Licensing Staff.

LB 751 passed in the 2012 Legislative session changed the point of application from the County Treasurer's Office to the DMV Driver Licensing Office.

The changes were implemented to bring uniformity to the DMV application process. "It makes more sense for applicants for any DMV issued document to begin the process with the DMV staff," said Beverly Neth, Department of Motor Vehicles Director.

"We want to bring uniformity to the process for applicants and streamline the process to reduce costs associated with training and new technologies."

Neth encourages anyone who needs to obtain a duplicate document to go to the DMV online services at

Renewals and duplicates are available through the DMV online services. Anyone seeking name or address changes needs to request that service in person.

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