Maywood Youth Club ends after school program

MAYWOOD, Nebraska -- The Maywood Youth Club, which met at the Maywood Christian Church, concluded its program for this year on Wednesday, April 4, 2012.
A total of 17 different elementary students attended sometime during the year with two having perfect attendance including: Austin & Jaden Wolfe. Four only missed once including: Alexis Wood, Bryce Wolfe, Paige Wood and Jordan Wiles. Only two meetings were missed by Teegan Rice. The average attendance was 11 and there were 26 meetings.
Meetings after school on Wednesdays included an opening prayer, snack time, singing, Bible story, and work sheets over the story, Bible verse memorization, games/crafts, daily awards, and closing prayer.
Points were earned for attendance, remembering the previous week's Bible verse, bringing a friend for the first time, learning the current memory verse, completing the work sheets, and attending Sunday School and Church.
Those adults who worked included: Melody Walker, Sandy Englehart, Jan Deatrich, and Cherri Wolfe. Jr/Sr High helpers sometime during the year were: Tori VanDrimmelen, J. C. VanDrimmelen and Daylan Miller. Attending to various duties were Dale and Janet Heimer.
The theme this year was "Racing To Victory....Searching God's Word." Many awards were earned during this time and Paige Wood earned the most points and received the grand prize of a book about facts found in the Bible. Final awards were presented at the last meeting.
Appreciation is expressed to all who supported this program, especially the different people who voluntarily worked, and those who supplied snacks and donations during the school year.