Highway cleanup

Friday, April 27, 2012

YCR (Youth Change Reaction) members take a breather from picking up trash on Highway 6 and 34 near the Wal-Mart SuperCenter and Heritage Hills Golf Course in McCook, Nebraska, on "Earth Day," April 22. For several weeks prior to the highway clean-up, the 13 YRC members also collected aluminum cans for recycling. YCR is a youth group affiliated with McCook Community Foundation. Its membership includes selected high school students who utilize their motto "It's Up To Us' while they engage in providing youth activities and community service. Wearing safety vests on Earth Day were YCR members, front row from left: Sam Backer, Brooklynn Trew, Hollie Eiler, Mallory Koepke and Hannah Esch. Back row: Vince Lyons and Gavin Harsh.

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  • Thanks to a good group of young people.

    -- Posted by dennis on Fri, Apr 27, 2012, at 11:41 AM
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