Dues increased, officers elected at Beaver Valley Ladies Auxiliary
LEBANON, Nebraska -- Nine members of the Beaver Valley Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7719 met at Karen Brown's home in Lebanon, Nebraska, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 25, 2012. President Karen Brown led the group in the pledge of allegiance to our flag to begin the informal meeting.
She read a letter from the District 4 president with the minutes of the April 4 District 4 meeting in Imperial. Other communications included a thank you from the Wilsonville Woman's Club for the donation to the Easter egg hunt, a memorial donation in honor of Carol Helm, and a thank you from the family of Carol Helm for the memorial donation in her honor.
Dues for the coming year were discussed.. Since National has raised dues this year it was decided to raise the auxiliary dues to $17.00 per member to help cover expenses. The auxiliary will pay one-third of the expenses to send a delegate to Girls State again this year, sharing expenses with the Danbury and Lebanon Legion units.
It was decided not to have the annual Memorial Day Luncheon this year due to fewer members able to work at the meal and to provide the food. An announcement will be put into the area newspapers to inform the public.
Election of officers was held. Officers for the coming year will be: President, Karen Brown, Senior Vice President, Margalee Ruf, Junior Vice President, Helen Helm, Treasurer, RaNaye Dunlap, Chaplain, Alice Kasson, Conductress, Helen McChesney, Guard, June Palmer, Secretary, Maxine Parrish and Trustees, Pat Yost, Alice Kasson, and Connie Holliday.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 2 p.m. at Karen Brown's home in Lebanon when the newly elected officers will be installed.
Following the business meeting, the auxiliary enjoyed cookies and coffee provided by the hostess.