
Right or wrong, it's time to move on with jail issue

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's heartening to see public debate like that which has been evident in the recent decision over where to build a new county law enforcement center.

Yes, it would have been nice had such passionate arguments been raised earlier in the process, when decisions would have been easier to influence. And, we wish decision-makers would have been open to more public input in a more open way, at an earlier time.

Those who question the county commissioners' decision are to be commended for their willingness to go on the record about an important public decision that will affect the county's direction for decades to come.

Yes, we are blessed with living in a democracy, where the people's voice must be heard. But it is a representative democracy, where we depend on those we elect to make decisions.

Whether the county board should have made such a major decision as construction of a jail without a vote of the people is a legitimate question, even in light of voters' rejection of a jail as part of a city-county project a few years ago.

As Monday's meeting indicated, however, the county board has reached a decision and seems determined to move on.

Opponents now have an important decision to make. They can escalate their opposition to the next level, which is likely to result in costly legal and social conflict, or they can work with elected officials for the betterment of the community.

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  • I am behind the Courthouse site 100%. Let's get on with it.


    -- Posted by Arkval on Tue, Apr 3, 2012, at 2:40 PM
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