The Urgency of the Hour
Dear Friend,
The information I have for you, comes with a real sense of urgency. Just when it seems that WE (the U.S.) is on the verge of a tremendous financial resurgence from the discovery of new techniques in oil drilling that would revive our entire economy and make us energy independent, Israel is on the verge of going to war with Iran. Hamas, this last week, unleashed a barrage of missiles at Israel, from Gaza. Israel retaliated by selective bombing of Gaza, killing 7 Hamas leaders. As you know, Hamas is an Iranian front organization. Israel was able to intercept and destroy 90% of those missiles. However, if Israel bombs and destroys Iran's nuclear manufacturing plants, Iran will unleash a barrage of missiles at Israel and if the Palestinians in Gaza unleash another barrage of missiles in coordination with Iran, Israel may be swamped. World War III will begin in the Middle East, with Russia and China siding with the Muslim nations, Israel's sworn enemies (as they just did in the U.N., by not endorsing sanctions against Iran). Pray as you never have before for the "Peace of Israel." Her peace will only come when Jesus returns to Israel, destroys her enemies and Israel receives Him as her Messiah.
Iranian president, Achmadinahab, makes it very clear, his intention is to destroy Israel, wipe her off the map. To do this he has a many, many rockets and is working feverishly to develop atomic bombs, which he will deliver by missile. He recently paid North Korea $50,000,000.00 dollars to do some testing for Iran. He seriously believes, as do many Muslims, that he can hasten the return of the 9th Mahdi, who will then assist fundamental Muslims in taking control of the world for Allah. They seriously believe they can reach their goal of world domination by creating as much chaos as they can. After Israel's destruction (the Little Satan), they will come after The Great Satan, the U.S., to destroy us and establish a terrible system of law known as Sharia Law.
According to information on the internet, Israel has the fourth largest Air Force in the world and also has rockets and bombs, which she can deliver with DEADLY accuracy. Also Syria is one of Iran's puppets and Russia has stationed an aircraft carrier off of Syria, in the Mediterranean. Damascus, one of the oldest cities in the world and a city that played a prominent role in both the O.T. and N.T., will soon be destroyed, according to Bible Prophecy. Whether this will be before the Rapture or after, I do not know. "In the LAST DAYS (the time we are living in now) perilous times will come." II Timothy 3:1. With Russia's intervention on behalf of Iran in the U.N. Security Council, we are assured of the soon fulfillment of Ezekiel 38:1-7. With Russia introduced in the previous verses, vs. 7 says, "Be prepared and prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you and be a leader for them (the Muslim nations mentioned in the previous verses)." Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in his recent speech to our President and Congress, made it clear that Israel was going to take the initiative against Iran. He said, "If Iran gets the BOMB, she would blackmail the surrounding nations, Israel, Europe and the U.S.. The U.S. has Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf and we may also soon be at war with Iran, since we have promised to back Israel in a conflict (war) with Iran. IBM, INTEL, HEWLIT PACKARD and other Hi Tech companies have established manufacturing plants and research lab's. in Israel and they want their interests protected.
God has given us "Exceeding great and precious promises" in His word. Rev. 3:10, "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing (Tribulation), that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." Our homegoing is at hand BEFORE the fireworks begin. "At such an hour as you think not, your Lord cometh." Matthew. Receive Christ as your Savior today, tomorrow may be too late. Pray, "Lord Jesus, please come into my life and be my Savior and forgive me of my sins. Amen!"
Your Friend,
Paul Schneider