CRP informational meetings set

Friday, February 24, 2012

LINCOLN, Nebraska -- Public informational meetings regarding the Conservation Reserve Program are scheduled around the state, according to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Area meetings include: March 6 6:30 pm MST Public Library Imperial; March 12 6 p.m. Fire Hall Community Room, Culbertson; March 14, 6 p.m. Bulls Bar & Grill, Hayes Center; March 14 1-3 p.m. Community Building, Beaver City; March 15, 2 p.m., Maywood Village Hall, Maywood; March 15 6 p.m. 4-H Building, McCook.

The next CRP general sign-up is March 12-April 6.

Landowners interested in learning about the CRP's benefits are encouraged to attend these meetings conducted by Game and Parks and Pheasants Forever. Landowners who want to remain in CRP should attend a meeting before contacting a Farm Service Agency office.

CRP is a voluntary program that helps agricultural producers use environmentally sensitive land for conservation benefits. Producers enrolled in CRP plant long-term resource-conserving covers to control soil erosion, improve water and air quality, and develop wildlife habitat. In return, FSA provides participants with rental payments and cost-share assistance. Accepted contracts will begin Oct. 1.

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