Official wants longer summer school for grade school kids

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- Summer school for kids who struggle in elementary grades could be a possibility in the future.

Superintendent Grant Norgaard brought up the idea at the regular McCook School Board meeting Monday night.

Calling it "a vision down the road," Norgaard told the board, "I'm not thinking this summer, maybe not even next summer...but it could make a difference in a drastic way."

Summer school is now offered at McCook Public Schools for Title students in elementary grades, four days a week for 15 sessions, and also for high school students who need to recover credit hours.

Norgaard said Monday night he is seeking input from the school board about a longer session of summer school and what it would mean for students, staff and financial costs involved.

During board comments, McCook Schools Business Manager Rick Haney updated the board on the new heating and cooling system at the high school.

The $1.5 million project included air conditioning for the entire high school, three new boilers, copper piping and a new system that uses liquid heat instead of the antiquated steam heat.

It's about "99.9 percent done," he said, already garnering the district about 38 percent in savings. He acknowledged that the winter season is almost over and that the winter had been relatively mild so far, but that heating bills should be lower than the $60-80,000 spent each year at the high school for natural gas heating.

In response to a question by board member Shane Messersmith, Haney responded that the new air conditioning system is hooked up and ready to go full blast this summer if needed.

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