Jail is 'go,' financing up to voters

Monday, February 13, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- Red Willow County commissioners agreed this morning to build a new law enforcement center in McCook, Nebraska, and to build it next door to the courthouse.

The board also agreed unanimously to allow county voters to decide whether they want to finance construction of the jail with bonds whose repayment levy would be outside the county's state-mandated 50-cent levy limit.

If the bonds are voted down in May, levies for both jail operational costs and bond repayment would fall within the 50-cent levy limit.

Commissioner Steve Downer said that without a successful bond election, the county's total tax levy could increase (from the current 38 cents per $100 of tax valuation) to 47-48 cents, all within the levy limit.

With a successful bond vote, the county's tax levy could be about 43 cents within the levy lid, and about 4.6 cents outside the levy lid. "This would give future boards a little (budget) flexibility," Downer said, especially if the state eliminates counties' use of inheritance taxes or if the state reduces and/or eliminates highway allocations to counties.

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  • I'm really surprised the nay-sayers are not out in force, over this one!

    Looks like Mahon will get his palace, although it's not the crystal palace he wanted when him and Ike were each marking their territory when a common sense solution was proposed for a joint facility a few years back. Cooperation is such a nice thing that can save each side some bucks, but just like the climate in Washington, nobody wants to cooperate and save the taxpayer some money. Sad state of affairs.

    Guess no matter which way we vote we are getting a new jail. Should be interesting how the choices will be presented.

    -- Posted by goarmy67 on Tue, Feb 14, 2012, at 12:50 PM
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