Just a nuisance

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Connie Jo Discoe/McCook Daily Gazette

There wasn't quite enough snow to get out the big equipment, but too much for just a broom. And there isn't enough moisture to do anyone much good. "It's more of a pain," Ken Allen said of the inch or so of powdery snow that dusted McCook, Nebraska, Monday night and this morning. If Golden Plains residents want to believe them, forecasters aren't predicting any more snow until Sunday, and then only a slight chance.

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  • I wish people would stop saying they don't want snow. It is part of the nature cycle. It is going to be here whether you pray for it or not. Think of the situations why we need snow.

    -- Posted by LATINQUEEN on Wed, Feb 8, 2012, at 9:25 AM
  • rain is better than snow anyday. more moisture, less mess, less cold, less slick dangers, here and gone. snow might be a part of nature, but so's growing old.... most people complain about that too.

    -- Posted by BTWinecleff on Wed, Feb 8, 2012, at 11:59 AM
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