School board reorganizing for new year

Friday, January 6, 2012

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The McCook School Board will elect new officers, at its regular meeting Monday, Jan. 9, 6:30 p.m. at the Junior High conference room.

By board policy, the superintendent will chair the election of the president and then the newly-elected president will preside over the other elections of vice president and secretary.

Committee appointments will also be chosen at this time.

For 2011, Tom Bredvick was the board president, Larry Shield vice president and Diane Lyons secretary.

The business manager acts as treasurer and recording secretary, according to the job description. The Superintendent's office recommends that the treasurer be re-appointed each year when officers are elected. Rick Haney is the McCook School District's business manager and acts as the school board's current treasurer/recording secretary.

In other new business, the board will be asked to approve the McCook Education Association as the official bargaining group for the 2012-2014 school year.

The MEA is the local union for certified teachers in the McCook School district.

In addition, the board will hear administrative comments, including those from Superintendent Grant Norgaard concerning faculty projects; NeSa assessments; CRT development and its relation to curriculum; a tentative 2012-2012 calendar; and teacher selection training. The board will also hear comments from the business manager.

The board will meet in closed session after the regular meeting, for the superintendent's evaluation and for negotiations. The negotiations session is closed to protect public interest, according to the agenda.

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