Reflect on the true meaning of Christmas
The wondrous gift is given! December, a month that seems overwhelmingly busy with celebrations, decorations, holiday cheer and shopping for the perfect gift. Let us not get lost in the frenzy of material but remember the perfect gift is before us, Christ our Savior!
On a starry night in Bethlehem a baby swaddled in cloth lay in a manger. Christ our King was born! An angel announced to the shepherds and wise men that the Savior was born and they followed the brightest star to Bethlehem. "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to everyone on earth!" The wise men brought gift's and the shepherds worshiped the amazing gift that the angel spoke of. On that night God brought His Son, Jesus, into the world and salvation to us all.
It is easy to get lost in the excitement of all the gifts and preparation of Christmas, join me, and take this joyous time of year to sit back and reflect on the spirit behind the gifts and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. While stuffing stockings this Christmas Eve, take a moment to cherish the gift of family and friends, treasure those that have been lost and pray for our troops and those leaders of nations in turmoil. Most importantly, praise God and remember the greatest gift that was and will ever be given.
May the Grace of Our Mighty Father be with you and your family this Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!