Tree auction raises $4,205 for charity
McCOOK, Nebraska -- Schmick's Market was full of activity Saturday night, as hundred of people came out to bid on the Festival of Trees Auction and taste the wines and foods being sampled at the store.
Dennis Youngs of Youngs Auction solicited bids for six trees that were decorated by local businesses and organizations. The proceeds from each tree will go to a non-profit organization designated by the decorators. Thirteen trees were sold through a silent auction at the Keystone Business Center.
The sale of the trees generated $4,205 to benefit Hillcrest Nursing Home Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Community Hospital Health Foundation, Family Resource Center, Red Willow County 4-H Council, McCook Pantry, Prairie Plains CASA, Domestic Abuse Sexual Assault Services, United Way, Share the Heat, TeamMates, Victory Christian Academy, Feeding His Flock Community Supper, McCook Humane Society, McCook Toy Box, McCook Community Foundation, and Tri Valley Health System Foundation.
The Readers Choice tree was "A Jolly Happy Soul" decorated by HomeTown Agency for the benefit of Domestic Abuse Sexual Assault Service. That organization will receive $750 from the sale of the Gazette's tree, "The Gift of Giving".
The winners of the silent auction trees will be notified this week, and their trees will be available to pick up at the Gazette.
The Festival of Trees was sponsored by McCook Daily Gazette as the last event in the newspaper's 100 year anniversary.
Publisher Shary Skiles commented, "There were so many people who helped make this event a special holiday celebration.
Thank you to Schmick's Market, all of our tree decorators, bidders, the Keystone Business Center, Dennis Youngs, and to the staff of the Gazette for all their help."