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Big Weekend gets off to a good start
Friday, September 23, 2011
If the turnout for Thursday night's reception for Mickey Stubblefield is any indication, participation will be high in this weekend's "Back in the Day" Heritage Days celebration.
While we knew Stubblefield helped bridge the gap between the Negro Leagues and the majors, Aggie Roberts recalled how he helped give women their first chance to show their skills on the softball diamond.
It was an honor, and reunion, timely and long overdue. Our thanks to those who made it possible for Mickey and his family to take part in our celebration.
Another reminder long overdue was former State Sen. Tom Vickers' talk on Nebraska's unique unicameral system, and his view that term limits undercut its original nonpartisan design by Sen. George W. Norris. Vickers made those observations at Friday morning's Norris Foundation Prayer Breakfast at the Heritage Senior Center, attended by nearly 80 people.
The theme of public service will continue Friday afternoon with the award of the Random Acts of Kindness grant by the McCook Community Foundation, announced at 4 o'clock at Norris Park.
Skies promise to be blue for the Balloon Festival, and don't be surprised if you see one of the colorful creations floating near the football field Friday night when the Bison host Grand Island Northwest at 7 p.m.
Official launches are set for about 7:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Red Willow County Fairgrounds, and Saturday night, with a launch and evening glow -- all provided the winds cooperate, of course. It will be just one more great attraction on a busy weekend.
Be sure to catch the McCook Art Guild Tractor Show on East C Street, and the Heritage Days Car Show, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the parade at 10 a.m. Saturday.
Chamber Executive Director Pam Harsh said the parade is up to about 100 entries, and she thinks the good weather forecast may have helped make the turnout for the Norris Park Crafts Fair one of the best in recent years.
Another new event for McCook is the four-team McCook Fire Department water fight at 2 p.m. in the Methodist Church parking lot, 100 East E Street.
A special treat is on tap for Saturday night with the John Denver tribute by singer Ted Vigil, accompanied by local musicians at the Fox Theatre.
Following the balloon launch, Sunday morning's events include the Heritage Sunday Worship in Norris Park with the Rev. Clark Bates, and the second day of food and entertainment in Norris Park.