You are SO embarrassing
This "embarrassing your kids" thing is kinda fun! Til now they haven't been old enough to care, but my two big girls now are at the age where Dad and I often embarrass them, and most times we really get a kick out of it.
The worst thing we do to humiliate is dance. Apparently they don't think we're very good dancers although I know they're wrong. I choose not to have a mirror present when showing my best moves, but I'm sure I dance as well as I feel like I do. It's one of our weaknesses, my husband and I. If we hear a good beat or our favorite song, we dance.
Whether sitting at a football or basketball game, or in the truck driving through town, doesn't matter, music makes us move, much to the humiliation of our daughters. We can't even bob our heads to a beat while in public without being pleaded to stop.
I think that's why they politely excuse themselves from sitting with us in the bleachers anymore. Our four-year old isn't to that stage yet, so she joins right in and dances with us. She and I can have quite the dance party listening to the radio in the truck. The other two girls are sticks in the mud. I have threatened to pull in front of their schools to pick them up with all the windows down and a techno song booming from the truck, but haven't done it as of yet. I can't tell ya how bad I'd like to, though. That'd be SO funny!
The other thing we do is sing, but not for-real singing, kind of like Clark and Ellen Griswold singing. Usually I start and then Dad jumps in to finish off the song, both of us belting out our loudest opera voices. It cracks the two of us up pretty good, but the older girls just roll their eyes and shake their heads, mumbling "Duh, Mom and Dad." I've asked them to join in and they just reply with a smart aleck tone, "We don't know that song." Of course, the 4-year-old is entertained. She always smiles and tells us we're funny. I can't wait till the big girls are older and bring home a boyfriend, cause we're gonna break out lots of singing and dancing then!
They also get embarrassed of our clothing choices, mostly Dad's clothes. He has to wear certain things to take them to practice or just out and about.
I have to slightly agree with the girls there, however. Dad was not born a fashionista and is certainly not concerned a bit with social appearances, but we all try to give hints or suggestions now and then to help him out. They don't usually tell him out loud that they're embarrassed but are quick to laugh at some of his choices.
For example, the white undershirt, long, mesh shorts, tube socks and crocs outfit is one of their most dreaded. I have a feeling, though, that the girls are only going to get worse with this clothes issue and pretty soon, if I don't step up my game, I'm going to be their constant target.
The last thing they are absolutely mortified about, is when we give each other a kiss or even hold hands, for that matter. Heaven forbid we hug in public. It literally makes my older daughter gag at the sight of us hugging or a giving a quick kiss goodbye. Because of her ghastly response, Dad only makes it worse by smooching me more, which makes her run off in horror and disgust. Then we both laugh at yet another successful moment of embarrassment to our child. Of course the 4-year-old isn't embarrassed, just jealous and tries to cut in between us.
The thing is, it doesn't really bother Dad or me that they're embarrassed. We make small attempts to not humiliate them out in public because we're not that mean of parents, but if it's funny and nobody's getting hurt, we'll keep on wearing that dumb outfit, or dancing like teenagers or singing like morons.
Deep down inside, I know our girls want to laugh too. I know they do, because they used to, just like their little sister still does. I've personally entertained those girls for years by acting silly and singing made up songs since they were still in high chairs. They use to say, "Do it again, Mommy, do it again."
Who knew how fast they'd be saying, "Stop, Mom! PLEASE, stop doing that! You're SO embarrassing!"