
Obvious problems with Obama plan

Friday, September 9, 2011

President Obama's American Jobs Act proposal will be hashed and rehashed to shreds, but we can see a few obvious problems from our perspective.

Workers would certainly appreciate seeing less money withheld from their payroll tax -- he proposes to cut it by half for most businesses -- but many workers, still stinging from the recession, are likely to put any extra money toward paying down debt or building up savings. Not much stimulus there.

He also promised to keep jobs in America, while maintaining wages, working conditions and environmental protection.

The problem is, America isn't competing on a level playing field, when other countries can provide build products using near-slave labor in horrible working conditions while polluting the environment -- and often without even a requirement to produce a profit.

And, while he repeatedly promised his plan would be paid for, without adding to the deficit, in reality it would be added to the already shaky proposal tied to the recent budget agreement. That already requires a trillion dollars in spending cuts, plus another $1.5 trillion in cuts to avoid triggering automatic across-the-board cuts. Finding an additional $450 billion to fund Obama's plan will make an almost impossible job that much more difficult.

The truth is, government can't create real, long-term jobs that produce real products. It can only get out of the way long enough to allow private industry to go to work.

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  • Kinds of interesting our Republicans are bashing Obama's "plan" when most of it originally came from Republican proposals. At least Obama is trying to compromise.

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Fri, Sep 9, 2011, at 1:23 PM
  • This plan is a joke. The only ideas of This plan that could have come from Republicans is the tax cut parts. That will help us in more ways than one. We have to change This country as a whole to survive long term. We can no longer pimp third world slaves for our goodies. Obama's own VIP jobs advisor is a guy who made billion in profits paid no taxes and if that wasn't good enough is now shipping 10's of thousands of jobs to China.

    What are doing about it?

    As a business owner I don't need or want a

    tax cut hire another guy. I need this country to produce goods and exports. We

    need to produce energy and create wealth instead of shipping it overseas. Only then

    will we all be able to hire more people. Only government can hire people without a reason or to fill a quota. Real producers have to justify the expense and tax cuts wont do that.

    It's obvious that a guy who has never held an actual job has no idea where real jobs come from.

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Fri, Sep 9, 2011, at 2:50 PM
  • Real job? Really? Being a lawyer, being a senator aren't considered having a real job?

    Jobs come also from businesses who actually want them. They market, they cold call, they seek out other avenues for interest in purchasing their goods, they don't become stagnent and hope for a government hand out. Alot of companies are making money, not hiring because they like their "bottom line". If they would hire, they'd make even more money if they went out and TRIED!

    -- Posted by LOAL4USA on Fri, Sep 9, 2011, at 3:16 PM
  • He was hired by a law firm but never handled a case, and no being a senator is not a real job, sorry.

    Rural, I don't think you know the first thing about running a business. I'm sick of the people in this country thinking it's up to businesses to make the economy go. People, especially liberals and government types think that everyone is entitled to a job and it's MY responsibilty to give them one.

    Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

    I'd love to hire someone else to get more business, but I know that the business isn't out there to justify someone else's wages...decent wages. I have to feed my family too.

    Another thing most people don't understand anymore ever since they stopped teaching actual economics and replaced it with world sympathy studies is that businesses are SUPPOSED to make money. Just because you make a dollar doesn't mean you have to give it to some bum that thinks he's to good to work for $9/hr.

    At some point the business is going to have to re-invest, expand, take a risk. Running one days profit above your bottom is pretty dumb. You shouldn't have to spend every dollar of profit on employees you don't need, that's the government's job and let's see how that's going for them....$14 trillion in debt.

    We have to change the status quo Rural. We keep doing these failed stimuli and we're up the poop creek. We are already up the poop creek. I'm only getting $.76 for every $1 of social security I am putting in right now so my retirement is pretty much going to be; hope I die when I'm 70.

    You can't buy jobs. Government can't create jobs. By believing so just tells me we are not getting anything for our investments in education because only fools believe that.

    We MUST produce something here. We can't import everything. I hope I'm the one with the job and all the people that are waiting for government jobs are unemployed when this finaly sinks into your heads.

    -- Posted by Justin76 on Fri, Sep 9, 2011, at 8:39 PM
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