Prayer day honors late local pastor

McCOOK, Nebraska -- The Rev. Clark Bates, senior pastor at McCook Christian Church, opened the 60th annual National Day of Prayer Thursday morning at the Chief Restaurant, lamenting the passing of the Rev. Dr. Chris Atkins, who died April 10.
"Chris had a great passion for this day," Bates said. "It took three of us to replace him in planning and preparation."
Bates introduced special guests in attendance, including Mayor Dennis Berry and two pastors new to the area, the Rev. Eddie McElhannon, pastor at First Assembly of God and the Rev. Brian Bowman, pastor at First Church of the Nazarene. He also acknowledged the Rev. Jon Albrecht, pastor at McCook Harvest Church, who will be leaving McCook later this year to accept a call to Superior, Nebraska.
The theme for the event, commemorated across the nation is taken from Psalm 91:2 "I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Albrecht prayed for federal and state government, seeking on their behalf wisdom, understanding and discernment, prefacing his prayer with several Scripture citations, including 1 Timothy 2:1-3, where Paul enjoins believers to pray for kings and all those in authority.
The Rev. Lance Clay, pastor at Memorial United Meth-odist Church, and one of the planners of the event, prayed for the local government, noting the many challenges they face when they step forward to serve, saying, "Sometimes it sets you apart as a target." He thanked God for their willingness to serve and asked that he would give them wisdom and sustain them through their service.
The Rev. Steve Bales, pastor at First Congregational Church and a Navy veteran, was honored to pray for the men and women who serve in today's military, beseeching the Lord to "watch over them, keep them from harm" and to draw near to the families that wait for their return, sustaining them and comforting "as only you can" when the ultimate price is required.
The Rev. Dr. Mary Hendricks, pastor at St. Alban's Episcopal Church, prayed for the media, that the Lord would touch those in this broad sphere of influence and their audiences with wisdom to differentiate between news and commentary.
The Rev. Bruce Lester, senior pastor at McCook Evangelical Church, acknowledged the ministry of those in business, saying, "God has placed you where you're at to make a difference there for his Kingdom." Citing Colossians 3:23, he encouraged people, in all walks of life, "Whatever you do, do it as to the Lord, an audience of One."
The Rev. Brian Bowman, pastor at First Church of the Nazarene, expressed his gratitude in being asked to participate and was particularly grateful for the opportunity to pray for those charged with educating young people as he spent 20 years teaching prior to entering the ministry.
"I've been on both sides," he said. "I understand the pressures teachers face." He sought an outpouring of wisdom, grace and patience for teachers, for support staff, administrators, "for everyone who touches the lives of our students."
Dave Davidson, Mission to Homeless, took as his model for the prayer for churches from Philippians 4:1-9, where Paul pleads for unity, rejoicing and gentleness, and warns against worry and anxiety.
He also asked that the Lord would send more laborers to "touch every lost soul."
The Rev. Eddie McElhannon, pastor at First Assembly of God, prayed passionately for the family, the "foundation God established even before he established the church." Citing Joshua 24:15, McElhannon admonished believers to make a difference, "Put God first, you can change this nation, you can change the world." He also encouraged them to fill their homes with love, a place "to run to where they can find comfort, peace and prayer."
George Wortley of McCook, introduced simply as a "prayer warrior," closed the assembly with the four things God wants his people to do, so that he can, in turn, bless and heal. Taking his message from 2 Chronicles 7:14, Wortley identified God's request, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Acknowledging the many "idols" that detour men's hearts, he prayed that all would come to recognize the holiness of the living God and realize his love, his majesty and his sacrifice.