Celebrate the value of agriculture

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dear Fellow Nebraskans:

In March, we are recognizing Nebraska's agriculture industry for its contributions to our state. Nebraska is a strong agricultural state and one of the key reasons Nebraska's economy is stronger than most states.

Recently I traveled to Gering, Ogallala and Hastings with several farm leaders to highlight the importance of agriculture.

While Nebraska ranks 38th by population, we are the nation's fourth largest agriculture state. We are a leading producer of commodities ranging from cattle and hogs, to pinto and Great Northern beans, popcorn, corn, and soybeans.

In addition to providing food for American households, the products grown and raised in Nebraska are exported to more than 170 countries around the world. Processed foods and raw commodities are Nebraska's top two exports. For many international consumers, their first introduction to our state is through marketing efforts for Nebraska beef, pork and other food products.

The demand for agricultural products at home and abroad has helped our state economy remain relatively stable. In addition, agriculture has contributed to Nebraska's changing economic landscape. Our state is one of the most diverse economies in the U.S. with several emerging sectors connected to agriculture, including: biofuels and renewable energy, transportation, warehousing and logistics, hospitality and tourism, food processing, research and development, and the biosciences.

Nebraska is home to many companies on the forefront of crop and livestock genetics, animal vaccine and pharmaceutical production, DNA analysis, irrigation monitoring, and implement manufacturing. The diversity of our agriculture industry is the reason one in three Nebraska jobs are connected to the work of our farmers and ranchers.

Nebraska farmers and ranchers put a priority on helping ensure a safe food supply and preserving our natural resources. More than 95 percent Nebraska's total land is privately-owned. Whether acres are devoted to crop production, range and pastureland, or used for conservation, the vast majority of land in our state has been cared for over many generations by people who understand the value of good stewardship. It is a tradition that continues to be a priority for producers today.

That's the theme of the 2011 Nebraska Department of Agriculture poster contest held to celebrate ag week. This year, more than 1,500 elementary school students took part in the contest, submitting drawings on the theme "Nebraska Agriculture: caring for animals and the Earth every day." The interpretations of this year's winners are posted online at www.agr.ne.gov.

I want to thank the students, families and agriculture organizations who were part of our Nebraska Agriculture Week celebration. Our farmers and ranchers impact every Nebraskan and they produce for our families and families around the world.

This is a time to highlight the pivotal role of our agricultural producers and thank them for what they do.

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  • Nebraska, according to the Gov, is "the nation's fourth largest agriculture state and a leading producer of commodities ranging from cattle and hogs, to pinto and Great Northern beans, popcorn, corn, and soybeans."?

    It would appear, then, that Nebaska is a large, important and integral contributor to the nation's food supply.

    And yet the Gov would have you believe that ALL this can be 'eliminated' BY THE WHOPPING 3% of America's fringe "radical animal-rights vegans"????

    Whom, exactly, is going to allow 3% of the population to STARVE TO DEATH the other 97% of us????




    Frank Perdue?

    Does no one else see this illucid propagandist fear-mongering nonsense for what it is?

    -- Posted by TerryWard on Sat, Mar 19, 2011, at 9:34 AM
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