
Take time to enjoy our 2011 Progress Edition

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You may have noticed a little extra weight in this week's editions of the Gazette -- we're sure your paper carrier has! The reason is a daily section of Progress 2011 news, our biggest project every year, and this year encompassing 100 pages.

Spearheaded by special projects editor Jeremy Blomstedt, with input from everyone on staff as well as many community contributors, the edition is a positive snapshot of economic conditions in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas.

Monday highlighted McCook, Tuesday the area, today's section is agriculture, Thursday will be non-profit, service and other entities, and Friday's edition will honor businesses for their years in operation.

We hope you've taken time to peruse the daily sections. It's reassuring that so many individuals, businesses and entities are willing to stake their future on Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas. That kind of confidence, creativity and hard work will ensure that the region continues to thrive.

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