Letter to the Editor

Lifting spirits of troops

Friday, February 4, 2011

EDITOR'S NOTE -- Ann Trail of the Adopt-a-Chaplain program recently received the following letter:

Hello, my name is Chaplain (Capt.) Jared Vineyard and my assistant is Sgt. Shane Birdsong. We are the Religious Support Team for the Soldiers of 2-506 Infantry Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), known by many as the "Band of Brothers Battalion" made famous by the HBO miniseries.

On behalf of all of the soldiers from our battalion and others attached to us, we would like to personally thank you for the care packages that you sent.

It is a true honor that we have such grateful Americans supporting our efforts here in Afghanistan and words cannot convey our appreciation. We believe that you and your volunteers are heroes for your efforts in reaching out to our soldiers a world away from home.

Your contribution will not only lift the spirit but help the well-being of these men and women who sacrifice so much every day.

For this we cannot thank you enough. May God continue to bless you, our Soldiers, and our great nation.

Capt. Jared L. Vineyard

Sgt. Shane W. Birdsong

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  • Life in the Military would be a very lonely job, but for wonderful people like Ann Trail.

    My thanks to her, I attach to Capt Jared Vineyard, and Sgt Shane Birdsong. There are a lot of active duty, and older veterans who will carry fond memory of the Ann type people.

    -- Posted by Navyblue on Fri, Feb 4, 2011, at 4:05 PM
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