Long-time community leader Cliff Lord dies

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cliff Lord

INDIANOLA, Nebraska -- Indianola and Southwest Nebraska lost an "eloquent citizen" and community leader when Indianola businessman Cliff Lord died Tuesday at Community Hospital in McCook.

Clifton C. Lord was 89 years old at the time of his death, having spent all but 10 of those years in Indianola and at the well-known downtown-Indianola hardware store that his grandfather, Andrew Lord, started in 1882.

Mike Harris of Indianola, who filled in as Indianola mayor when Cliff stepped down four-five years ago, said Wednesday afternoon, "Cliff was an amazing community leader. We have lost an eloquent citizen, not only for Indianola, but for all of Southwest Nebraska."

"Anyone who serves for 41 1/2 years on a city council ... that man has a genuine interest in his community," Harris said.

Harris described Lord as a peacekeeper ... a peacemaker. Lord had an ability to blend all sides of an issue, Harris said. "He didn't draw battle lines. He always had a formulation -- he'd say, 'Let's try this, or that,' or 'Let's try it this way.' He was good about blending all the factions."

Harris said Cliff Lord was his mentor as a council member and community leader, even after Cliff stepped away from community service. Harris said he continued to talk to and consult Cliff about issues in the community.

"His eloquence ... his smile. I will miss him as a friend as well," Harris said.

"I'm saddened by his death," Harris said. "He leaves such a mark on the community, not only through his business, but also his community involvement and leadership."

Cliff was born in Indianola on June 5, 1921, and graduated in 1939. He and Anne Gehlbach were married in 1948, and they raised three children in Indianola. The family belongs to St. Catherine's Catholic Church of Indianola, where Cliff was an organist and he and Anne directed the Children's Choir for 25 years.

Cliff was honored by the Indianola Jaycees as an "Outstanding Businessman," by the City of Indianola as a "Man of the Year," by the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce as a "Community Builder," by the Indianola Rotary Club as a "Paul Harris Fellow," by the Nebraska Retailers Association as a "Retailer of the Year," by the State of Nebraska as a "Partner in Prosperity" and by the University of Nebraska as a "Community Improvement Program Leader."

Cliff was a member of the McCook Community Hospital board of trustees, McCook Area Crime Stoppers, Indianola Rotary Club, Elks Club, VFW, American Legion, the Knights of Columbus, the Western Hardware Association, the Nebraska Retailers Association and the National Federal of Independent Businesses.

He is survived by his wife. three children and their spouses, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

More information on Cliff Lord's life can be found on Page 5 of today's Gazette.

A Rosary service is today, at 7 p.m., at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Indianola. A funeral Mass will be Friday, at 10 a.m., also at St. Catherine's Catholic Church. Burial will follow in St. Catherine's Cemetery, also in Indianola.

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  • All of SW Nebraska will morn his loss.

    -- Posted by dennis on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 1:56 PM
  • A pillar of the community. He will never be replaced, God threw away the mold when he created Cliff Lord, definitely one of a kind.

    -- Posted by Arkval on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 3:02 PM
  • as a former business owner in indianola, i can say that cliff lord was as great at helping other businesses, as anyone on this planet! not only did they let you charge without question, and never did i see a finance charge if i was a couple days late with payment! he supported my business as much as i supported his! i can't ever say i saw a frown on his face, or saw him in anything other than a good mood! anyone who has had dealings at the store, would probably say the same thing that i would.......i never felt like i was getting a bad deal! my condolences go out to the lord family! one things for sure...with tim around, the store should be around another 100 yrs! goodbye cliff! thank you for all you did in your 89 yrs, and god bless you for staying put in southwest nebraska, and showing others how a good business stays in business for so many years!!

    -- Posted by bigred1 on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 5:04 PM
  • There are no truly adequate words to describe Cliff Lord; at best it would be an understatement.

    This is a man, of dedication and honor, to his family and his neighbors and to strangers from all walks of life. Never did I see him turn a shoulder on anyone in need of assistance and his caring and loving smile that he passed around freely to anyone he saw, was an inspiration in itself.

    To his family.... please take comfort with the knowledge that his life right here in Southwest Nebraska, positively effected so many others.... He's is certainly a Husband, a Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather to be proud of. He helped me countless times throughout my childhood, teen years, and adulthood and never cast judgment on me.... for that I thank You Cliff.

    I will never be able to repay you for all of your kindness............ perhaps I can pay it forward and help those in need the way you did for so many.

    God Bless You!

    Brett Schmidt

    -- Posted by PensiveObserver on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 7:25 PM
  • Cliff Lord has done so much for the entire region of southwest Nebraska and will definitely missed by all. Anyone who knew him knew a person that would do anything for anyone. I'm sure that his family is grieving his loss along with many others in the region of southwest Nebraska. I knew Cliff since I was a kid and I've never met a more sincere and caring individual. His family, although grieving now, should take pride and honor in knowing that Cliff was a true Hero who was loved by all. God Bless You!

    -- Posted by McCook Supporter on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 7:53 PM
  • Cliff Lord helped my husband pick out my 1st anniversary gift from Lord's Hardware store - a paper mache howling coyote.

    -- Posted by heymicahs mom on Thu, Sep 23, 2010, at 10:24 PM
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