Letter to the Editor

Just build a firehouse?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Editor,

Just a few thoughts about building a new firehouse\police\city offices. I feel we need a new fire house -- they are definitely very crowded and unsafe. Before we spend millions of tax dollars -- let's look at just a new firehouse at this time, we could always do more when things are better.

Many towns and cities are in trouble because they have lived above their means, and McCook is not growing. We have been losing people, and new city buildings are not going to help grow McCook.

When the fire department moves out, the police department could expand into the fire department.

You have the bays that police could put their cars in and equipment to keep out of the harsh elements, then remodel the old space in the fire department for more privacy for interviewing victims and the suspects, problem solved.

Thank you, just one of the "we the people" speaking out.

Charlie Thieben,


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  • I think your idea is terrific; provided that we were looking at a budget conscious effort here. However; please consider this. It is my understanding that the city's intention is to build the new city complex using sales tax funds only. This option should not cause the city, including you or I, to live outside our means. It's apparent that several dollars have probably been spent to have architects and such survey and draw up plans, and whatever else goes into demolishing and building, so why not continue forth with that effort instead of having that be a waste of money too? I honestly believe that we should all move forward with this project. It doesn't seem like a better time and it doesn't seem like it's not needed terribly. Thank You for the opportunity to respond.

    -- Posted by SWHUSKER on Sun, Sep 26, 2010, at 9:19 PM
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